Style / Func Updates

I’ve been doing a little updating the site as far as style and search functionality. Now, you can sort the results of a search by spammer name, threat, type, or reports by clicking on the corresponding type you see above the results. Also, the search results are a little more organized now.

Fspamlist Support Forum Opened

Yeah! A new support forum for the users of Fspamlist has been opened over at TeMerc Internet Countermeasures.

The URL for the forum is:

Use this forum to discuss all things Fspamlist.

Note: I’ve also linked to this forum from the top menu on

Export Bug Fixed

A lot of the export options have been broken recently due to a bug. I removed the link info to in the exported files to make them more copy and paste “friendly”. Unfortunately, I didn’t clean up the code well enough and left a bug. I ran across it today and fixed them all.

Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Also, thanks again to Steven for getting the blog rolling again. This upgrade looks nice.

Crazy list

Want a crazy “kama-kaze” style ban list? Well, you can surely get it here. With this script, it will take all of the e-mail addresses in my database, strip it down to only the domain name, and add *@ in front of it. This will of course, convert all the e-mail addresses in FSpamList’s database into wildcard domains, adding more blocking power.

You can get this list here:

and if you need it new-line separated:

Have fun.

Note: this excludes * , and * .

P.S. Thanks to Steven for fixing this blog. 🙂

Tweaks, Changlog

Due to the size of the database, I’ve forced the export results to display as a file download. Now, any time you want to export the ban lists, you will be prompted with a download window. This makes managing the ban lists a little easier.

Note: Notepad will take a long time opening these files, it is strongly recommended that you use WordPad or similar.

Bug Fix

Fixed a bug in the “Export These Results” link that would often times yield too many results. This was caused by not limiting the results to a certain type of spammer if the user specified one during his/her search.

One other thing…

I’ve updated the code on the view.php page that searches for similarities on both sides of the “@” in a spammer’s e-mail address. So now, more results show up under the “Related Spammers:” section of the page. Note: if there are too many matches for related spammers–not all of them are shown.

A shorter way to search…

I’ve written a little redirect section of code that makes linking to a search query a little easier.

Instead of typing* to search for records on *

you can now use:*

Note: This method searches all types by default.